Saturday, February 13, 2010

Excel in the classroom

I think that at first Excel can be intimidating to anyone who has never worked with it before, but once you learn and get the hang of it, it seems invaluable. As a future teacher it will be a great help to me for grades and worksheets. And the great thing about it is that you don't have to have a calculator, Excel does the work for you. Of course we all know that computers can get viruses and collapse and what not, so I would always recommend to having an actual gradebook.
Not only though is it a great asset for teachers, but you could actually encourage your students to create a spreadsheet at home for their grades. How often does a students question an average or a grade on their progress report or report card, but always seem to lose or misplace the paper they need to prove otherwise. This way it not only teaches them organization, but responsibility.

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